The true power of Ho’oponopono is in helping us achieve a state of acceptance and happiness. The concept of not resisting being happy in our lives sounds simple, but it isn’t. Today I present a story in dialogue about the role of the Yes & No states of being. Let’s see what we can learn… Read more »
Speaking mindlessly is a pitfall in our lives. It can push away even the most positively oriented and attract the negative – just with a few words! Take a friend of mine for example. She told me her car was really cute and had taken them across the country just fine, but it didn’t work… Read more »
Patterns. As a child I loved creating patterns. In my teens I was making my own clothes. I thought I was very clever. I loved my patterns. Fast forward to adulthood. Patterns hold an entirely different meaning for me today. Now I see a pattern as something that is holding me back, a place where… Read more »
Cough! Snort! Wheeze! Sneeze! Hack! Good grief, what’s going on? Why am I hacking all of a sudden? Could it be something I ate? Maybe, I don’t know, all the cheese and sugar-laden chocolate and other goodies that lured me into submission at all those holiday parties? Me? “The Guru of Eating Right?!” Yeah. Me…. Read more »