We’re all familiar with the Laws of Attraction. What you put out into the universe is what you attract back to you. Ho’oponopono isn’t exactly the same, however, as you may have noticed in our previous articles on the topic. But there is a correlation – and for those who don’t take the time to… Read more »
The true power of Ho’oponopono is in helping us achieve a state of acceptance and happiness. The concept of not resisting being happy in our lives sounds simple, but it isn’t. Today I present a story in dialogue about the role of the Yes & No states of being. Let’s see what we can learn… Read more »
Speaking mindlessly is a pitfall in our lives. It can push away even the most positively oriented and attract the negative – just with a few words! Take a friend of mine for example. She told me her car was really cute and had taken them across the country just fine, but it didn’t work… Read more »
I’m often asked if ho’oponopono is the ‘answer to all our problems’ and the only method of healing we’ll ever need again if we start using it. Don’t I wish I could say, ‘yes,’ and be done with it. But that’s not real life. ‘Stuff’ is always happening to us and in this chaotic world… Read more »
Patterns. As a child I loved creating patterns. In my teens I was making my own clothes. I thought I was very clever. I loved my patterns. Fast forward to adulthood. Patterns hold an entirely different meaning for me today. Now I see a pattern as something that is holding me back, a place where… Read more »
If it’s a full moon, I’d rather howl at it than sleep. Actually, I’d rather sleep, but find it pretty much impossible. Agitation sets in and I’m wired for sound. Why? Is it because the moon is being pulled by the tide? Because I ate too much chocolate? Turns out, it’s just a natural function… Read more »
In lieu of a #WellnessWednesday post this week, we here at DrBeraTLC instead bring you a memorial. We are sad to announce the passing of our beloved rescue dog, Katie. She already had nearly 12 years under her belt when she came to live with us. Abuse, neglect, cataracts, vaccinosis, and more were a part… Read more »
In over 35 years of practice, I have never lost one heart-attack patient. That’s a pretty remarkable claim to make, but Dr. John Christopher, the famous master herbalist, said it with confidence. “If they are still breathing, I give them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water), and… Read more »
Raw food juicing is one the easiest, most effective, and most delicious ways to do good things for your body. Ideally, man would receive the nutrition he needs to maintain a healthy, vital body from a raw fruit and vegetable diet. He would have a piece or two of fruit for breakfast, a heaping greens-and-tofu… Read more »
The modern world is overrun by anxiety. And perhaps the biggest anxiety of all is the constant questioning in our lives – the question of What If? What if we don’t get any more moisture this winter? What if the well runs dry? What if the roads aren’t safe to travel? What if my unborn child… Read more »